Southern Star Roofing is an established roofing company based in Fort Collins, Colorado. It was founded in the early 1990’s by Frank Tillman and lasted until 1998, when the economy changed. In the beginning they were one of the better known roofing companies in the area but they eventually went out of business. Today, it is one of only a few roofing companies left in Fort Collins that offers this traditional wood shakes and metal tiles roofing system. If you are in the market for a new roof I would definitely give them a look.
The typical life of a Southern Star Roofing shingle range from ten to twenty years. They are also able to install any type of roof on your home including greenhouses, cottages, and apartments. Another option that they offer is to allow the client to have the roofer bring in their own design, which is done using a computer so that the shingles will match the design of the house. The other option that is offered by this southern Colorado roofing company is that they will re-roof your home using slate instead of wood shakes.
The good news is that you do not have to go anywhere else to get this type of roofing services because they are located right in your home. All you have to do is come to their facility and get a free quote. You will then be able to compare what they charge with other companies in your area. The reason why they are offering this type of roofing services is because it is the best way to preserve the value of your home. Also, if you are considering replacing your roof at any time this may be a good option because the cost to replace the old roof versus the new roof will be less than purchasing new. Many homeowners will decide to purchase new roofs after they have experienced the low life of the old ones.
One of the best things about the Southern Star Roofing Company in Charlotte is that they offer low season discounts for all their clients. The Charlevoix area is known for being especially hot in the summer months so finding a roofing company to install a new roof during the off peak season would be wise. The company also offers free estimates whenever possible, which is another plus. You will not have to pay any installation fees when getting a quote from the Southern Star Roofing Company in Charlotte because they are considered to be a licensed and insured roofing company. They have all of the necessary permits to perform the work that they are responsible for doing. This is a relief because you will no longer have to worry about dealing with contractors that do not have the proper permits to work on a structure that is on your property.
In addition to offering low prices and great service the Southern Star Roofing Company in Charlotte is also delivering outstanding customer service. The entire staff members are trained and willing to help you with anything that you might need with regards to your commercial roofing needs. There are even maintenance professionals that are available around the clock seven days a week if needed. They can also provide any type of repairs that might be needed. Having outstanding staff members that are willing to go the extra mile is going to be your best bet when it comes to choosing the right contractor that will provide you with the best service.
When it comes to all of the things that these trained professionals can do for you it is very important to know that the entire process of getting your roof installed is very affordable in comparison to other commercial roofing services performed in your area. Having a problem with your roof is never fun but having a problem with your Southern Star Roofing Company is definitely one that you will never want to go through. These professionals will go the extra mile and do everything that is needed to ensure that your roof is installed properly and will last for a long time to come. You will be glad that you hired them to do the work because not only will you get quality work completed on your roof, but you will also be able to save money on your next repair job because you will know that there is no way that you will ever have to pay Southern Star Roofing again. You will be happy knowing that you made the right decision and that you made the right choice.