The Main Article, Breaking News and the AP News Service

AP News services deliver the breaking news from around the world. The Associated Press news agency was founded in 18metry, and is an American not-for-profit media organization based in New York City. It is a cooperative, totally independent organization, managed by the American Society of Magazine Editors. Its members are mainly U.S. papers and broadcasters.

AP News

AP News services deliver breaking news on a first in the industry format, covering all regions of the globe. It has been performing this task for nearly one hundred years. This service provides its clients with a news service and other media support, and is part of the AP, Inc. The first news service to be launched out of the AP News Service was the wire service in the year nineteen eighty. This enabled the AP to establish itself in the field.

Apart from providing breaking news service, the AP News Service also undertakes to conduct regular training workshops for its reporters and editors. A news conference is conducted once every six months, to which about sixty reporters attend. These conferences are designed to upgrade the skills and knowledge of the AP News Editors and reporters, in order to enable them better serve their clients.

A great deal of work is performed by AP News editors in gathering and preparing AP reports for publishing in newspapers, periodicals and news agencies of various countries. They carefully analyze all material obtained, before publishing it to ensure that it meets all accepted AP style. The AP style guidelines specify the number of times a particular word or phrase should be used, and other formatting specifications. AP News editors check for these details, before compiling or editing any AP story.

For making a video, the news agencies combine recorded audio and visual material together, to produce a short film or video. The main article is then presented in the form of a news report, while the accompanying text appears below the picture, or sometimes in the form of small captions. Another method by which the AP news agency delivers breaking news, is to deliver live video, on its website, to a network of television stations. This makes the AP news agency one of the most powerful news organizations in the world.

Breaking news services are also delivered by some college basketball programs. Almost daily, college basketball programs across the country provide full coverage on the players, team statistics, coaching moves and much more, on their websites. AP News has also started offering live video streaming on their website, from the main article, to any individual video selected by the viewer. With this, the AP News stands as the first news agency online to offer live streaming of the president’s speech, following the presidential election results.